Advancements In PTSD Research

"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder that's triggered by a traumatic event. You can develop post-traumatic stress disorder when you experience or witness an event that causes intense fear, helplessness or horror..." The Mayo Clinic Staff

Thursday, September 22, 2011

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Brain Scan Offers First Biological Test in Diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Brain Scan Offers First Biological Test in Diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Researchers use a brain-scanning technique to find differences in the neural connections of PTSD patients that could help researchers understand and treat the disorder

By Carina Storrs | Friday, January 22, 2010 | 16

Researchers find differences in the brain networks of PTSD patients that could help diagnose and treat the disorder.

An event such as sexual assault or a battlefield injury is physically agonizing at the time, but it also can eventually sentence a person to a host of mental symptoms—often vivid flashbacks, anxiety and emotional detachment—known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The disorder afflicts 3.4 percent of men and 9.7 percent of women in the U.S., according to research estimates.

Diagnosing PTSD is not necessarily simple. Psychological evaluations for PTSD cannot always easily distinguish it from other mental illnesses, such as depression, or determine if a patient is over- or underreporting the symptoms. Now, a brain- scanning technique called magnetoencephelography (or MEG) could offer the first biological test to help specifically diagnose and treat those with PTSD. In a study published January 20 in Journal of Neural Engineering, MEG correctly identified 97 percent of patients that psychologists previously determined were suffering from PTSD.

MEG, which was developed in the 1960s for military purposes, offers a unique insight into the neural communications within the brain, says Apostolos Georgopoulos, a neuroscientist at the University of Minnesota Medical School and lead author of the study. The instrument measures the magnetic field created as electrical current passes between areas of the brain. In MEG studies about two years ago, Georgopoulos found that, whereas healthy people shared similar patterns of neural communication, people with Alzheimer's and schizophrenia had distinct, disease-specific patterns.

In the current study Georgopoulos and his colleagues scanned 74 people diagnosed with various degrees of PTSD through a standard question-and-answer session with psychologists, along with 250 people who reported having no mental problems. For their MEG scans, the participants simply sat under a dome-shaped instrument for one minute. They fixed their eyes on a spot of light so that researchers could measure the brain in an "idle" state, when it is not stimulated by having a task to perform. During that minute, the instrument captured a map of the brain's electrical activity once every millisecond. (For comparison, functional magnetic resonance imaging, which measures brain activity indirectly, takes measurements about every three seconds.)

For 72 of the 74 patients previously diagnosed with PTSD, MEG scans detected a pattern of neural communications that was different from the healthy participants, but shared among the PTSD group. On the flip side, 31 of the 250 healthy patients had abnormal scan results.

"I think [the specificity] is what still has us shaking our heads in disbelief," says Brian Engdahl, a psychologist at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Minneapolis, who helped evaluate the patients included in the study. He adds that he and others hope to perform a more thorough evaluation to see if those 31 supposedly healthy patients might have PTSD.

Engdahl adds that MEG might serve several uses in addition to diagnosis. For one, neural patterns detected by MEG could be used to assess how well PTSD treatments, from antidepressants and sleep medications to counseling, are working for a patient. In addition, having MEG results could help patients who are reluctant to report their PTSD symptoms. "You can think about it as a means to help people feel less stigma. Because there's something different with [the] brain…it doesn't have to do with personal weakness," he says. "That's almost a sigh-of-relief moment for the patient."

Bringing MEG to patients will not, however, be possible for many hospitals in the U.S. Georgopoulos estimates that only 20 to 30 have a $2-million MEG instrument. "[But] I think it will become a major application as we speak…for all kinds of ways of looking very sensitively at brain function," he says.

Rajendra Morey, a psychiatrist at the Duke–U.N.C. Brain Imaging and Analysis Center in Durham, N.C., who was not involved in the study, says that he could see MEG being used "as an adjunct to the more conventional way of diagnosing." Although a biology-based diagnosis for PTSD would be helpful, he says, using MEG in the clinic is still a ways off.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

PTSD More Common Among Migraine Sufferers

By Teri Robert,

We've known for some time now that Migraine disease and major depressive disorder (MDD) tend to be comorbid conditions. That means that we frequently see people who have both simultaneously, but neither condition causes the other. Now, research is showing a similar connection to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The objective of a new study by Peterlin et. al. was:

"To evaluate the relative frequency of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in episodic migraine (EM) and chronic daily headache (CDH) sufferers and the impact on headache-related disability."1

Background information:

The prevalence of PTSD in the general population is estimated to be 8%. Two earlier studies have looked at PTSD in patients with headache disorders. One study seemed to show that Migraine and headache patients have a higher risk of developing PTSD than those without the disorders. Unfortunately, Migraineurs and tension-type headache patients were studied together in one group and compared to patients with pain unrelated to headache disorders. Thus, it was impossible to draw information specific to Migraine from the study. A second study might have shown PTSD as a risk factor for Migraine advancing from episodic to chronic. However it was a very small study group, and assessment of depression was self-reported by the patients and not clinically verified.

Study methods:

  • The study was conducted with patients from six Migraine and headache treatment centers.
  • All study participants were examined by a Migraine and headache specialist.
  • Patients were recruited in the age group of 18 to 65.
  • Headache disorder diagnoses were classified in accordance with the International Headache Society's International Classification of Headache Disorders, Second Edition (ICHD-II).

Study results:

  • Analysis included 593 patients who fulfilled the criteria for episodic Migraine (EM) or chronic daily headache (CDH).
  • PTSD was diagnosed in 30.3% of the participants with CDH.
  • PTSD was diagnosed in 22.4% of the participants with Migraine.
  • Participants with both major depressive disorder and PTSD were more likely to have CDH (24.6% of participants) than EM (15.79%).
  • Disability was greater in participants with EM and PTSD.

Study conclusions:1

  • "The frequency of PTSD in Migraineurs, whether episodic or chronic, is higher than the historically reported prevalence of PTSD in the general population.
  • In addition, in the subset of Migraineurs with depression, PTSD frequency is greater in CDH sufferers than in episodic Migraineurs.
  • Finally, the presence of PTSD is independently associated with greater
    headache-related disability in Migraineurs."

Study author comments:

"Despite the clinical perception that military combat is the most common (cause), the most common causes of PTSD are interpersonal traumas, including sexual abuse... In women, the lifetime prevalence of PTSD is twice that of men... The implications are such that abuse causes not just psychological distress from PTSD but also physical pain such as migraine, and there is an increased disability seen in those migraine sufferers with PTSD than those without PTSD." ~~B. Lee Peterlin, DO3

"Pharmacologically, dual action antidepressants have efficacy for both migraine and PTSD, but the serotonin-reuptake inhibitor antidepressants regarded as first-line treatments for PTSD have performed poorly for migraine prophylaxis." ~~Dr. James L. Griffith2, 3

Summary and comments:

The data from this study clearly establishes that PTSD is more common among those with Migraine and chronic daily headache. Dr. Griffith's comments in his research commentary are well placed. There are significant treatment implications to the increased prevalence of PTSD in those with Migraine and chronic daily headache. Some Migraine and headache specialists are now leaning more toward SNRI antidepressants that affect both serotonin and norepinephrine than the SSRI antidepressants that affect serotonin only. The SNRIs are working quite well for Migraine and headache prevention in some patients.

Hopefully, more research will be forthcoming about the connections between Migraine and major depressive disorder, and PTSD, and other mental health issues. The development of additional treatments that could be used to treat both headache disorders and mental health disorders could be quite beneficial.


1 B. Lee Peterlin, DO; Gretchen E. Tietjen, MD; Jan L. Brandes, MD; Susan M. Rubin, MD; Ellen Drexler, MD; Jeffrey R. Lidicker, MSc; Sarah Meng, DO. "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Migraine." Headache 2009;49:541-551.

2 James L. Griffith, MD. "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Headache Patients: Implications for Treatment." Headache 2009;49:554-554.

3 Rauscher, Megan. "Post-traumatic stress common in migraine sufferers." Reuters. April 3, 2009.